Thursday, April 16, 2009

HDR Attempts

Front of Parents house

Sweet Clouds

Tree growing Cactus... kinda eerie

First Attempt to make road appear scary

On the First 2 Pictures I took about 9 pictures in the same spot at different exposures and Manually combined the pictures by editing certain parts to make one Complete picture.

On the Last 2 Pictures I took about 9 pictures in the same spot at different exposures and used the Automated HDR feature in Photoshop and played around with certain effects within it.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Tilt/Shift Mocks

I took these pictures on top of Target (where I was working from 2005-2009). Instead of using an actual "Tilt-Shift" Lense, I manually created the same effect by putting a Lense Blur around the picture.